A great BNN Bloomberg interview with CIBC’s Jamie Golombek. In the 5 minute interview Jamie covers capital gains exemption rate, possible HST increases, taxing your principal residence and planning now to reduce your 2021 taxes. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/video/raising-income-taxes-is-not-the-way-out-of-the-mounting-deficit-cibc-s-jamie-golombek~2159700#.YE9ycB8UIHs.linkedin
Category: RRSP

Get Retire Ready: Checklist
by Julie
There’s a lot to consider when one’s retirement is nearing. Perhaps you are already retired and wondering if there’s more to consider. CI Investments TREP team of experts has put together a fantastic pre and post retirement planning checklist. Click the text below to read more! Retirement Checklist
QROPS - Qualified Recognized Overseas Pension Scheme
by Julie
A QROPS is a Qualified Recognized Overseas Pension Scheme and the ONLY vehicle for which a UK Pension can be transferred into Canada. As of writing this, only ONE company in Canada has been approved by the UK Government as able to open and maintain QROPS accounts. This is a big deal if you already living in Canada…