Have you ever come across some old stock certificates and wonder if they have any value? Maybe you found some in a safety deposit box, in an old box in the basement or when going through a deceased ones paperwork. The Financial Post has put together an amazing 631 page report of Defund and Predecessor…
Category: Investing

The BEST (IMO) TFSA Contribution Room Calculator
Good Monday Morning, I get so many clients asking how much TFSA room they have available. If you were over 18 years of age when TFSAs were introduced in 2009, have never made a withdrawal and contribute nice round numbers, this is an easy task. However for any other scenario, it can be really difficult…

Christmas Financial Advice - A Poem
This time of year I , enthusiastically look forward to reading and sending out Mawer’s ‘Twas the Week Before Christmas Poem. Clients really enjoy the humorous summary of that’s happened during the year. But this year, I was disappointed. My expectations were too high and their poem just did not cut it. Low and behold,…
'Twas the Month Before Christmas
I’ve never been much of a poem person until a few years ago when Mawer put out a really excellent holiday poem that summed up the entire year perfectly. It was smart and made me laugh out loud. Here’s another one I’m sharing from our partners at Guardian Capital. I hope you enjoy as much…